As you read in our last post, there are some key advantages to utilizing tilt up concrete panels over precast. Tilt-up panels eliminate the need for perimeter columns and roof beams, reducing costs and increasing flexibility for exterior openings. They are also often larger and fewer panels to erect, making construction is faster and less expensive.
Whether you are detailing precast wall panels or tilt up wall panels, you will still need to model connections to walls and foundations, create reinforcement and assemblies, mark your pieces, and finally create shop tickets with dimensions and schedules for the production team. These common tasks will take considerable time for your drafting and engineering teams if you don't have the right tools.
For this and many more reasons, PTAC Engineering decided about 8 years ago to focus their precast automation tool development on the Autodesk Revit platform.
While AutoCAD still dominates 2D drafting with ~30% market share, many are transitioning to Revit for 3D and BIM, which is slowly becoming the de facto standard for precast engineering and production teams. Autodesk offers world class training, support, and an ever growing user community, which helps address the challenges of finding qualified engineers. Revit supports the design, estimation, production, and erection phases of precast concrete construction projects and utilizes the full intention of Building Information Modeling (BIM).

This older post and videos explains how Revit can be used to create concrete tilt-up panels.
In addition to Revit, detailers can use the EDGE Suite for precast from PTAC Engineering to automate many of the time consuming common tasks associated with the design, estimation, and production phases of tilt-up or precast concrete projects.
Model with reusable precast wall, flooring, and connector families from our library of over 3000 precast families.
Copy assemblies with reinforcement
Create shop tickets with EDGE ticketing tools such as Auto Ticket Generator and Clone Ticket.
With these tools, tilt-up project designers can shave weeks off of their current project timelines, adding to the bottom line and satisfying customers.